scroll down a few posts for the 'before' shot of little Jordan. Here, is the after.

OMG. I just might love this little bugger. The marks near his nose? Grizzly Bear bite. :( Of all my dogs I knew Grizz was going to be one to watch. He got Jordan the other day when the baby fell on him. I know these things happen and Stephanie is pretty laid back but still. I felt feel awful. Isn't he just a doll baby?
BUT - I was glad to spend a quiet day down at Clementine's. Those knitters are a good bunch., like salve to me. And now, the sweater is almost finished, a hat and sock are both in the works. Whatever will I knit next? Ravelry, here I come!
My girls down at Cami's were so good to me today - they bought $125 worth of my cards and pin cushions from the crap fair! Esteem restored! Thanks, ladies. You sure know how to make a girl feel special. :)
To those who have been sending good thoughts/prayers for my friend Susan's husband, here's an update - John had surgery Monday to have chest tubes inserted to remove some fluid building up around his lungs. They also drained his one lung that was completely filled. Last I heard, he was still in ICU but in stable condition. The doctors were surprised at the amount of infection he still had. He's been on some potent, IV antibiotics for about 10 days. They're not working as well as the doctors had hoped. I will keep you posted.
Thanks for the prayers. I'm sure they appreciate knowing folks all over are putting in a good word for them. :)
Now I need to read a bedtime story and do some tucking. Night all.
My girls down at Cami's were so good to me today - they bought $125 worth of my cards and pin cushions from the crap fair! Esteem restored! Thanks, ladies. You sure know how to make a girl feel special. :)
To those who have been sending good thoughts/prayers for my friend Susan's husband, here's an update - John had surgery Monday to have chest tubes inserted to remove some fluid building up around his lungs. They also drained his one lung that was completely filled. Last I heard, he was still in ICU but in stable condition. The doctors were surprised at the amount of infection he still had. He's been on some potent, IV antibiotics for about 10 days. They're not working as well as the doctors had hoped. I will keep you posted.
Thanks for the prayers. I'm sure they appreciate knowing folks all over are putting in a good word for them. :)
Now I need to read a bedtime story and do some tucking. Night all.
What a little sweetie. :) Nice haircut, bad bear.
the last paragraph sounded something like Mike's situation in September - did they put the talc in like super glue so the fluid wouldn't return? Good thoughts for this man and his family...
We so enjoyed purchasing your wonderful wares - you know I was jonesin to get my hands on them... every year I like to find something small and special to share with my sisters and good friends during the holidays. One will even be going to Japan with my nephews wife, 3 to Seattle, 2 to Hawaii - they're going global! Was glad to see you yesterday, but glad I didn't hug you (?) - the sore throat is full throttle this morning so I will probably have 2 docs appts instead of 1 today- have to do everything possible so that Mikey doesn't get sick during chemo.
lots of love, Robin
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