Friday, January 2, 2009

like it's 1999

We really partied hard up in Michigan! I think we're all still recovering.
Here are the promised pictures:
Me on the left, Ken's sister, Donna on the right
and Ashley doin' her thing in the middle.
Girl-child has been dying to use this line on someone when they say, "you look really familiar."
"Did we . . ." as she points back and forth between them. This guy was so funny. He was like, "DAMN! Did we hook up?" Um, no. :D

This next picture captures part of what makes girl-child so special. She didn't know this old guy from Adam but he was sitting all alone so she went up and wished him a happy new year. I don't think he'll be forgetting her any time soon.

Charlie and Roo:
And here they are being dumb asses and wrecking a perfectly good picture. :)
A good time was had by all. We're already looking forward to the next road trip.


  1. I think I just pee'd a little.

    You make me giggle snort even when I'm alone.

    It's a little embarrassing.

    I heart you.

  2. Anonymous11:45 PM

    So funny about the one-liner...just hilarious.

  3. Great pics!! looks like you guys are having a blast. LOVE road trips.

  4. Dang Melly -- I could hear you guys partying down here! Looks like you had a fantastic time -- well deserved, I might add! Your daughter is a beauty -- and so funny -- a chip off the old block!!!

  5. You look like you were having a good time. I remember those days when I used to act like that. Can you believe it???? Is that ashley's new beau? Love ya
