Wednesday, January 7, 2009

blessed with abundance

As I sad down at my computer this morning I looked at the desktop picture I changed last night. I adore Kelly Rae Roberts and one day I'll have an original. Once in a while I come across a new post on her site where she shares her work. Yesterday this one caught my eye - the colors, the sweet expression on her face and I immediately right clicked-set as backgrounded her.
Today I saw her message - blessed with abundance and I realized, I am. Even as I sit here with a terrible head cold, few dollars in my bank account and only one working car I can say I am blessed with abundance. Are you?
Thanks Kelly Rae.


  1. YOU are the biggest Sweetie in the whole world Miss Melly! I love your happy, positive, all the time attitude! And yes, I too, am blessed with abundance!

  2. Of course I are! I have you in my speed dial on my phone. Talk about abundant! What a life!! :) And as for the car, the few dollars and the head cold, 'Flo' always says its a good life if you don't weaken. :) Keep a smile on your face honey! Love ya!

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    You truly are such a GEM...
    I would so much love to join the "Seattle trip" but know that I could not keep up with you girls for that long. hmmm, Mellie in her native land - watch out Washington.
    Peace & Love, Robin

  4. I loved the pics but could not find the one you mentioned. Maybe you could visit her when you go to Seattle. You truly are the most positive person I know and certainly in this family. Love you bunches
