Thursday, January 1, 2009

road tripping and naughty monkeys

Good morning and Happy New Year!

Blogging from the road. I decided to tag along with girl-child and her friend on a little road trip vacay up to Michigan to see her aunt.

Ya'll - we have had THE best time. My vocal chords may never recover - we've been laughing since we pulled out of the driveway two days ago. My girl ROCKS! I'll post some terrific party shots tomorrow. I swear, when we go out, she's the girl who makes every head in the room turn when she walks in. And why wouldn't they with these on her feet:

Meet girl-child's Naughty Monkeys. You think I can get these in a 10?

And her friend, Charlie. . .there aren't even words for this guy. I know I'm getting ahead of myself because last you all heard she was getting married. Ashley came home a few weeks ago after making the tough decision to get out of a relationship that just wasn't a good fit. I've been watching her blossom back into her old self these past few weeks and now, I think I'm watching her fall in love.

Good things are coming this year. I can feel it.


  1. I certainly hope good things for all this year. Nice to "hear" you laugh. Those sure are some shoes!

  2. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Whoa those shoes! Yowzer! Happy New Year to you and your family and the best to you in 2009.

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Oh Melly - yea! For you and the girl child. It's hard to watch them in a not good relationship. Can't wait to meet in June :) g
