Sunday, January 24, 2010

procrastinate much?

do you all remember when i said i'd finished the quilt top i was making for justin? well...i wasn't completely honest. it wasn't an intentional lie. after all that cutting and sewing back together and cutting again only to sew it back together again, the top felt done at that point. but today! today it's done for real. not only is the top done:
but i also finished the back:
now to decide if i want the strip going horizontal or vertical. it's a square quilt does it really matter? somehow, yes. it does.
and now for a confession: i don't have a CLUE what to do next. i've decided to quilt it myself. is that a bad idea? i've already called my quilty friend trista twice today. perhaps the next step should wait till tomorrow when she won't think me a pest when i call again.
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  1. It's gorgeous! I love the colors you picked.

    You've already done more than I could do. lol

  2. That is one gorgeous quilt! very modern looking, too. Nice!

  3. It's BEAUTIFUL Melly! Love the back too. Good luck with the quilting -- you're very ambitious for a first quilt!!!

  4. Robin8:42 AM

    It's know how much I've been wanting a black & white & red quilt...trying to get my granddaughter quilting so that she can make me one. I'm afraid my back won't hold up sitting at a sewing machine for hours.
    You did great - Justin should feel very privledged to have something so loving that his Momma made for him. Wanna adopt me? love you bunches, robin

  5. Beautiful. I know not the first thing about quilting...

  6. Loving the back. My mom still has the quilt front and back from Christmas 2003. You've still got some time.
