Tuesday, June 24, 2008

berry good/beary good day

I've been a busy girl today!

I joined a charity knit-along on Ravelry. Our bears are going to Mother Bear Project. Such a neat idea! You knit a bear, send it in and the organization sends them to children in developing countries effected by HIV/AIDS. I can't remember when I've enjoyed a knitting project more.

Besides the knitting of bears it's Tuesdays with Dorie! I feel like I'm getting this post in under the wire. Today's recipe is mixed berry cobbler. Beth was the selection committee this week. Nice choice, Beth!

I was skeptical after reading all the posts about this recipe. Seems a lot of the bakers over at TWD didn't care for how the cobbler turned out, so they were fiddling with this and that. I'm a real stickler when it comes to following a recipe and with this one I'm glad I did. The crust was flaky and tender, the berries were just the right sweetness and if I only had some ice cream this would have been the perfect dessert! The day isn't over yet so I'm still hopeful. Wipe the drool off your monitor:

and here is my beary good thing today. . .


and after:

heh heh. I named him Rodger.

Check out this totally worthwhile charity, won't you?
AND there's a crochet pattern for you hookers.

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  1. Are you sure he's not Woody?
    The cobbler is so summery-looking. The keyboard needed a good hosing down anyway. (I totally have vanilla frozen custard in the freezer... damn those many miles between us!)

  2. Your cobbler looks delicious! Welcome to TWD.

  3. Drool nothin' -- my monitor is soakin' wet. That cobbler looks awesome! And what's up with Cami -- is she being off-colored? Nah, not Cami LOL. That little bear is cute as can be!

  4. The bear looks adorable.
    Welcome to TWD!

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I love the bear Melly - I've had the pattern for a few years now and I think I even bought some brown and green yarn - but yours is really so sweet - your getting to be a very adventurous knitter! I second the motion about the many miles between you and the southside - I'd weigh a few more pounds and get into a lot more fun trouble. Hugs, Robin

  6. Hi Melly! Thanks for your sweet comment about my pie. The meringue really turned out nicely!

    I love the bear that you made. My grandmother used to knit dolls with a very similar structure to your bear, and seeing it made me smile.

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Gawd, your berries look gorgeous! Welcome to TWD.

  8. Love the close-up picture of the berries. Looks delicious!

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I was really behind on your blog. Love the bear and would like to make some. Pattern please. The berries are my fav but need the IC. Mom

  10. The cobbler's great with ice cream, but it's also excellent for breakfast, with yogurt. And I'm with you... the simply flavored biscuit topping's the perfect foil for the stars in this recipe... the berries!

  11. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Your blog features a delicious array of recipes; the way you've chosen to present your recipe collection is admirable. We'd like to pass along a gift to you; it's an acclaimed service that any cook with a recipe collection would feel honored to use. Please email sophiekiblogger@gmail.com if interested.

  12. The cobbler looks SOOOOO GOOD!
