Monday, June 23, 2008

and she sews too!

This sweet little sundress is a sample for the shop.
The pattern is by Oliver & S.
and the fabric is. . .um. . .
help me out Cami?
It still needs the hem and bloomers but those will have to wait for now. I must venture out of my craft room today. I finished my socks early this afternoon and lost the later hours to this little dress.
Once again I'm forced to admit that Camilla Becher is right. She tried talking me into a print for the skirt of the dress and I just wouldn't have it. I loved the sweetness of the pink. Can you tell I dont have little ones at home? She said this is a chocolate ice cream stain just waiting to happen. *I* wouldn't know about such things any more. Thank GAWD.
Oh well. I'll just have to make another one. If this girl can sew one, anyone can. The instructions are super easy to follow with step by step visuals. I think I spent about three hours actually sewing. Quick and easy. Gotta love that! Thanks Oliver & S!
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  1. I adore this dress! I'd like to make a million just like it for Haley. Sadly, she's not in those 'little girl' sizes anymore. So help a sister out...where does one find a pattern like THIS for a girl already in a junior size? That's UBER easy to sew??
    Next time, listen to Cami! Although the pink is darling. Too cute!!!

  2. Just the fact that you acknowledge my fabric savvy is enough, but next time (and it will come on little cat's feet) I'm not letting you pick the prints... you freak too easy! The dress is super-cute, and I don't think there's a thing in this world you could not pin down and sew the bejeezus out of. You Rock, Mrs. Crocker!

  3. Very cute! *I*I like the solid skirt :) but yeah, any little girl i ever knew would have spots on it in 10 minutes I swear, if I could just find time to sew, Little Gloria would have an entire wardrobe of these Oliver+S patterns.

  4. Well, who knew??? We thunk you wuz a knittah!!! Great job -- so, so cute. Are you building up the granny hope chest LOL?

  5. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Adorable. Although Cami is right....*grin*

  6. I absolutely adore the Oliver S patterns..and wait for the day I can sew for grand babies... hmm... I don't need to wait to make them clothes, do I? Or will filling my hope chest with little pretty dresses and such mean I only get grand boys? -grins- fantastic job..and ditto on loving the solid skirt. It just means the precious babe in it gets vanilla ice cream, instead of chocolate. ;)
