Thursday, August 11, 2011

sew cute

i was sketching a simple rag doll the other day - round head, triangle body, skinny legs. i knew i wanted felt hair but sketching wasn't helping so i went to the internet for inspiration.  
i stumbled upon  retro mama and fell in love with greta. i spent hours figuring out how to execute this dolly on my own.
i made pattern pieces, rifled through my stash and the very first 'lissa doll was born.
once i get kim's actual pattern, i know i'll be able to work out the kinks of assembly. this little girl is formidable. don't let the cute fool you.
i already know of four girlies who would love their own. i fear this is about to get out of control.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!


  1. Darling. Makes me want to go home and cuddle Miss Ginny - as in Virginia - the rag doll someone made me when I was a very wee thing...

  2. The shape reminds me of one I had as a child. It's hair was fabric. Wish you had used a lighter background... these old eyes of mine...

    Look forward to the next pics of more babies.

  3. You can add another name to your list. That doll is adorable! I love it! :) You are so very talented!!
