Wednesday, August 18, 2010

indiana state fair

we had a great time at the fair last week. we arrived early to beat the heat and the crowds. though i didn't get to see everything, i did get to spend close to an hour in the poultry barn, talk cattle with a cute cowboy and got my fill of lemon shake-ups (my favorite).

we spent the first part of our visit checking out the antique tractors and visiting all the activities in pioneer village. there was primitive woodworking for the mister and fiber arts for me. we just kept giving girl-child cotton candy and she was happy. some things never change.

the day was too short but it was about all we could stand in the indiana heat. i forget how blasted hot it gets here in august. i think it's like childbirth that way - too painful to remember.

i'm seriously thinking of entering a project in next year's fair. think this lovely would win any ribbons?
i finished my modern quilt wrap.
if you missed it on facebook or ravelry, here it is for your viewing pleasure. i don't see how i'll ever knit anything so lovely again. even though it's simple garter stitch, the colors are so striking against each other it looks quite impressive. i can't believe it's done! finally! it would be fun to enter something in the fair and i can't think of a better project. stay tuned...

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  1. It's gorgeous! I bet it would definitely place if you entered it. :)

  2. It's beautiful Melly! Definitely a prize-winner -- you should enter it! Does this mean that you'll be adding cows to your chickens? ;-)

  3. The Knight informed me I would be entering in knitting, crochet AND photography at our local fair next year. Good thing I know he'll forget to remind me to check on deadlines and rules...

    LOVE that quilt wrap. I really wanted to do one until I realized I hate seams and weaving in ends.

  4. Simply mahvelus darlinq...
    I remember when it was just a little thing - now it's all grown up. Do they lock those goodies up at the fair? I sure wouldn't let anybody be fondling it with grubby hands (or snatching it). I would never put it away - if you aren't wearing it I would display it proudly in my home.
    We're sitting here waiting for the hospital to call and tell us there is an open bed for Mike's chemo stay. Time is wasting...don't these doctors know there are people waiting and cancer cells to be blasted to smitherenes! You know where i'll be for the next 4-5days - call me if you're not busy sparky.
    love ya, rob

  5. It's beautiful, I never finished mine. I wish I had seen you at Stitches!

  6. Lovely honey - absolutely lovely. I keep thinking I'll enter something but always manage to miss the deadline! g

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I think it would totally have won something. Let's do this as a challenge to ourselves - (i.e. knit something for entry). Who's going to look up the rules for us? ;)
