Wednesday, February 10, 2010

cage the elephant

i started her weeks ago. she sat patiently in my knitting bag. surviving dog attacks, she was waiting for me to pick her up again. she probably wanted me to knit her some legs so she could run from that pesky dottie!
but here she is! posing for her closeup. ready to make girl-child smile. i'm calling her valentine.

isn't my trunk fine?

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  1. Ooohhhhhh! I love her pinkness and she has eyelashes. Perfection!

  2. OM Freakin' G! That is fantastic. I love her eyelashes. g

  3. The Eyelashes are FINE lookin. Ash is a very lucky havin a momma that loves to make her such wonderful creative gifts. love you...robin

  4. This elephant is simply delightful. You've outdone your self again chica!

  5. OH my dear... this is the cutest thing ever!! I love elephants and love your blog! xo
