Thursday, January 7, 2010

and a dog! on thursday!

sadie girl. this picture makes me fall in love with her all over again.

i always fall off the wagon when it comes to regular things i'm supposed to post. i can't get it together enough to post dogs every thursday. because it's not just dogs on thursday. it's dogs on thursdays, tuesdays with dorrie, barefoot contessa on every third friday (or something like that) and it's all just. too. much.

but isn't it fun when i do remember?
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  1. Yes, it's good to hear from you :D And Sadie looks like she had fun with the snow, too!

  2. What a beautiful girl - love the snow face - she looks less than thrilled. g

  3. She looks so stoic! I just love dogs with snow on their faces for some reason...

  4. Russ Thomas6:42 PM

    I wish our dogs would stay out long enough for me to use a certain camera, that a certain person sent me. I would hate for it to get repo'd

  5. Sadie is a gorgeous girl! She reminds me a lot of Al's Jesse, also a gorgeous golden girl.
