Wednesday, June 17, 2009

garden update - zucchini, cucumbers and strawberries. oh my!

zucchini and corn. broccoli and root vegs.

beans, strawberries, lettuce and cucumber. and tomatoes!
i keep telling the girls, if all the strawberries go missing i don't know a thing about it!
and the shade garden.

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  1. I love your garden!! That is one thing I miss having a little shade. The most we get is from our fence and house - none of our trees are really mature enough. :(

    Love your veggie garden - looks so great!! Don't you just love watching it grow? I like to walk around my garden every morning and evening and it is amazing to see the changes!

  2. Robin5:38 PM

    How wonderful - it all looks so pleasant, and your pizza...I need a wife that cooks like you, my friend.
    The yard is is such a heavenly retreat - shade for this glorius Indiana weather. Start looking at the calender, I'm coming up soon!
    Love, Robin

  3. Holy Crap Melly (and I think I mean that literally, 'cause you must be dumping a LOT of manure on that garden to get it so BIG!) -- that's one GORGEOUS garden -- you have a GREEN GLOWING THUMB!!!
