Friday, June 19, 2009

friday's blog finds

today it's all about the food!
  • first time reading baking bites today. they've posted girl-scout cookie recipes. hells yeah. thin mints here i come! ironic name, no?
  • i'd forgotten how great the cupcake bakeshop was. and now it's closed. :( for some of the strangest but best flavor combinations in cupcake form, check out chockylit.
  • robin sue over at the big red kitchen shares some fantastic recipes. do try her mini ham and chesse rolls. they rock. seriously. i can eat about a million.
  • cathy at noble pig is busy moving but she still manages to share beautiful, step-by-step photography with her recipes. rivaled only by ree over at pioneer woman cooks.
mmm remember these?

1 comment:

  1. No, Miss Melly, YOU rock! Thanks for the great links -- I haven't been to 1/2 of them. So...what's on tap for Father's Day???
