Saturday, March 28, 2009

garden girls

i'm hoping i don't find it too difficult to knit with my new-found green thumbs.

i know some knitters who also like to grow stuff. we got together and made it a group effort. in my back yard. meet the garden girls: heather and trista.
i had to include this shot. see little fatboy in the back there?
and heather, pondering our work:
it's pretty exciting. a few weeks ago we had a planning meeting to plot out the space and list everything each of us wanted to grow. the next time we got together was our first work day. the three of us cut and built all the beds for our garden. we're going to recycle some old fencing to keep the dogs out and i'm going to build a cold frame with connected compost bin. i've even been looking at chicken coops. so if you ever run short on fresh, brown eggs, i'm your girl.
damn. i'm going to be living right off the land! kinda cool. :)
so if you need me this summer, i'll be in my chair, knitting, as the garden grows.

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  1. LOVE IT!!!
    Have fun! it is sooo satisfying to eat food you have grown!

  2. envious robin9:41 AM

    Wish I lived closer...what's the trellis-like thing against the shed and does anything beautiful grown on it? I really wish we had a wonderful fence so we could have some privacy in our backyard. (and a healthy back so that I could do all the fun garden stuff I used to do). I can't imagine what these gardens will look like in August - bustin....
    lots of love, Robin

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Your going to grow your own chickens??? What? What will Rueger do?

  4. Been thinking about the chicken thing too! How funny....I can't wait to come play in your dirt. Have fun digging.

  5. Wow, Melly. You've got one awesome backyard! You'll love chickens, especially since you've got guard dogs to keep the varmints away. (Racoons have been picking off my cousin's lately. Ugh.) Here's a site with some cool info on chickens, and building tractors for them.

    K, gotta go feed the hordes . . . have fun with your garden! :o)

  6. That is an AWESOME idea! I can't wait to start gardening again...was going to plant everything last weekend, but as you know, our Indiana weather proved quite cold last weekend.
