Saturday, November 15, 2008

crap fair

I always look at bad experiences as feedback for the future. It's the Pollyanna in me, I guess. Today SUCKED ASS. The company was great - I love spending time with my friend Heather and her son, Aleksander. But the people of Danville don't know cute when they see it. If it weren't for the stalkers who stopped by -waving- I'd have sold very little and folks, my stuff is capitol C cute.

All my items were priced clearly, with cohesive signage and priced well, I think. Luckily I made just enough to buy Ken an early Christmas present with a few bucks left to spare. And the good news is, now I have Christmas cards to mail, Santas to share (Anna) and more time now to knit. Halle-frickin'-lujia.

cute. see?

And just in case the day wasn't quite crappy enough with bad sales and terrible weather, I crashed my van on the way home. I'm fine but where the steering wheel used to be horizontal when driving forward, it's now vertical. Wet, leaf covered, curvy roads and jumping telephone poles - they'll get you every time. Damn it all. Shook me up good.

But the bright side? Stephanie cooked dinner tonight and cleaned the kitchen afterward and the house looked great when I got home. I have a wife. It rocks. :)

Big shout out to my brother, Russ who lost his faithful girl-dog, Jezebel this week. I love you big brother. (((hug)))


  1. Your stuff is super-cute! I can't believe it didn't fly off the shelf. If you send me a Xmas card, I will love it and cherish it forever!

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I LOVE the NOEL card with the Christmas trees. I'm sorry the craft fair was suckish. And, I can't believe you crashed your van and I had to read about it on your blog!!! My husband gets attacked and I call you, you have a car accident and don't call me??? I'm glad you're o.k.

  3. Well, Capital C Crap! So sorry about the show -- your stuff is more than cute -- it's awesome! The little Santas are adorable.

    And you're SO funny about having a wife. That would be so cool. I forgot the show was today, but I was thinking about you anyway!

  4. Wish I could have been to your show. I love that santa and your cards are so pretty. Thank goodness you are ok!

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I think your stuff is beautiful, just beautiful. I'm sorry it sucked, I guess you never know. Sorry about the car too!

  6. Aw, Mel...I'm so sorry about your accident. At least you're okay. ~hug~

    Craft shows are very skeery. A few prize booths with great, creative stuff among a whole lotta "head scratching, who thought *this* was a good idea, didn't know this was a flea market, tacky-ugly garbage that people crowd around to buy, wtf?"

  7. All the years I've been asking for a wife...every birthday, every Christmas. It's just not fair. :(
    I'm so glad you are ok. Damn telephone poles anyway....

  8. I think those are very cute!

    I'm glad you are ok after the accident. Take it a little easy.

  9. Melissa are you sure you are OK. Couldn't you have your wife call me. I had a bad experience at a sale too so I don't do them. Your stuff is very cute. Love ya

  10. Oh my!! I received the santa a little while ago! So cute! I love it!! Thank you so very, very much!
