Friday, October 31, 2008

boo (b)

Snagged a few Halloween pics off my cell phone. Please excuse the crappy pictures but this shit is too good not to share.

First up, evidence of convincing someone what a good bra can do for her self esteem, not to mention her cleavage. I texted this picture to her husband and I think he may have actually been speechless - a rare occurrence indeed. Cover your eyes, little ones. This isn't for tender viewers:

and my darling girl-child, discovering her love of false eyelashes. Go ahead and tell me how freakin' adorable she is. :)

And the amazing Halloween cookies my friend Trista made for a knitting get-together. I liked them so much I had her make a few dozen for Ken to haul to work today. They were a HIT! This picture doesn't even begin to show in detail the intricate work she puts in to these cookies. Every Witch has a wart, every eye is perfectly blood-shot. They ROCK! Thanks Trista!

and, as promised, a full-sized shot of a few of the Halloween cards I created. They were a hit too.

happy haunting!


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    You know that for every comment you get for the beauty of your girl child there should be a second one for you. She is a carbon copy after all! So 2 points child 1, you 1. ;)

    Lets all give a cheer for a good bra!
    Cookies & Cards are the cutest!

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bootiful to all!
    As always, you rock Ms Melly...
    love, Robin

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I want those

  4. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Umm... were those your boobs? Cuz, WOW sister!!
    Those cookies are really great. And thank you for my cute Halloween card.

  5. Anonymous12:32 AM

    You live in the land of women with bodacious ta-tas. I need a chocolate bra equivilent that will work wonders on a B cup.


  6. Anonymous12:32 AM

    You live in the land of women with bodacious ta-tas. I need a chocolate bra equivilent that will work wonders on a B cup.


  7. So now I'm sitting here ready to cry -- I'm so jealous that you and Cami get to see each other all the time. It looks like you've been having a FAB time while I've been gone.

    I LOVE your watermark on your cards -- is that a stamp? Or printed? Too cool! And the Halloweenie cards are just adorable. You be one talented woman Miss Melly!

    And WooFreakinHoo -- in my absence gas has plummeted -- now the only obstacle between me and your highnesses is TIME!

  8. Can my boobs come down now... please? I'm exhausted.
    Note to Anna: bring you on, sister! We miss you!
