Wednesday, September 3, 2008

weekend visitors

My dear friend, Beth came for a visit this weekend. We had four terrific days together. Oddly enough, I didn't take a picture of her but I did snap a shot of her heart:

Meet "Elvis" or just El for short. Her mother bit her mouth when she was a puppy hence the Elvis sneer (thank you. thank you very much) so Elvis became her name-o.
She's a little bunch of sweetness Beth rescued from the Amish earlier this year. Do you know about the Amish and their puppy mills? Do a google search if you want, but be prepared to be very angry.

El was going to be destroyed because she could not produce. She was of no use to the Amish. A rescue group stepped in and saved her. She is one lucky pup. But really, Beth is the lucky one. El is a complete doll.

We had a great cookout on Saturday where I harvested FIVE yummy tomatoes from my own bush (no comments from the peanut gallery). This is a BIG deal for me! I've never grown any of my own food before. I plant one little tomato bush and all of a sudden I'm some kind of gardener. We have grand plans for next year and of course they include tomatoes.

Good food, good friends and cute puppies. That's a pretty good weekend in my book.


  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    That looks like some kinda yummy caprise salad. I can't wait for my tomatoes to turn red. I will have corn in the next week or so.

    That is one sweet puppy - you are so right on about 'shooting her heart.' g

  2. Awwww, poor little Elvis! That salad looks divine! And it's plant, dear Melly. Tomato plant. Unless you WANT comments from the peanut gallery!

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    OMG that little sneer is something else, poor thing! Love that pic though.

  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Before I even read the post I thought to myself - he kind of has that Elvis sneer...People that are unkind to animals should be... nevermind.
    Good food, good friends and laughs - the perfect weekend!
    Always, Robin

  5. I found you from TWD, and love reading your crafty adventures as well as the culinary ones! I totally agree about the Raising Sand album - I was obsessed with it for months.

    I've received a nifty blog award that I'd like to pass on to you. Come by my blog to retrieve it :)

  6. I love her! Oh my girls would be beside themselves if they met that little hua-hua. Yum on the salad. Pretty amazing picture to!

  7. Your salad picture looks amazing.

