Tuesday, September 16, 2008

perfectly round, just the way I like 'em

My cookies, that is.
Oatmeal cookies are among my favorites. Just the recipe on the box of Quaker not changed a bit. And I use my beloved cookie scoop for perfectly round beauties.
even the dough is good.
perfectly golden. mmmmm
And I had to take a picture of Schnoozer the Schnauzer (I'm not even kidding). We're dog sitting for my daughter and her fiance while they house/dog sit for someone else.
He's such a good little dog. Personality plus. I feel so bad for him though. They think he's a bit of a pain. Well, duh - he's holed up in an apartment all day. He comes out here and runs the back yard till he's plum wore out. Tossing the frisbee helps too. He's a different dog at "granny's" :)

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  1. You mean they leave him at home all day long, by himself? Leaving any pack animal alone regularly is one of the highest forms of punishment for their little social brains . . . and especially an intelligent little Schnauzer like him. He's beautiful! Poor boy.

  2. What a little cutie -- I think he needs to visit grandma a little more often. And in the interest of fairness, next time you show a photo, I hope he'll be wearing a White Sox scarf! ;-)

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    He is so cute, that face is just adorable.

  4. Cookies??? I am so hungry. Hi, Schnoozer-puppy. I can haz cookies?
