Tuesday, August 12, 2008

TWD - Blueberry-Sour Cream Ice Cream

I look forward each week to my Tuesdays with Dorie adventure. This week was almost a bust when I discovered my camera was sick. How can I do TWD without a camera? Even now, I'm having trouble getting the pictures posted because Ken's little Sony uses a mini disk as it's media and my computer doesn't like mini disks. I'm waiting for him to get them off the camera for me. We'll see how that goes.

This week Dolores of Chronicles in Culinary Curiosity chose Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream as our recipe. I think I have an ice cream maker. Haven't seen it in a while. Should be in good shape once I find it considering it's one of those appliances we used hard and heavy when I first got it but since then I haven't even seen it. Don't even ask about my bread machine.

This ice cream was . . . interesting. I used mixed berries because that's what I had. I wish I'd thought to run the puree through a sieve before adding the creams to make the custard. It's pretty seedy. But the color is beautiful and the texture is smooth and creamy. Very Nice. I think it would be lovely with a lemony cake or even some sort of shortbread cookie. By itself it's pretty rich and after a few spoonfuls I was done. My favorite part of TWD isn't the actual tasting anyway - it's everything that comes before: studying the recipe, searching out the ingredients, the creation of the dish and of course, the photographs.

I was going to put up an actual video of the ice cream churning but you thought family vacation videos were boring? It was purple goo going around in circles with an annoying whirring sound in the background. You ain't missing a thing. But you might be missing a little without trying this ice cream. Check out Dolores' blog for the recipe. It's something a little fancy - a little different and real pretty. And if you know me, you know how I love me some pretty food.

What's next? Granola Grabbers. Well, now, doesn't that sound healthy? Mmmmmm (please note dripping sarcasm). Maybe we'll skip next week TWD and opt for a new cocktail recipe. Who's with me?


  1. Looks great! I thought watching the ice cream being made was like watching the laundry. Somewhat like watching an aquarium too...only way more tasty.

  2. hehe. i'll take the cocktail anytime! haha. Great job on the icecream anyway!

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I love the color of this little ice cream adventure. Just beautiful.

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I totally agree, I love all the steps involved in creating these dishes! Your photo is great!

  5. Um yeah... no idea where my bread machine is right now. I think its deep in cupboard somewhere that I have to contort my body to reach. I probably won't see it again until I have to move. LOL. Love the ice cream in the waffle bowl. GMTA! (Great minds think alike).
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  6. Love the ice cream in the waffle bowl the color is so eye catching!

  7. Anonymous4:37 PM

    yum...so melty, so creamy, i want some. it looks just great!

  8. Yep... my bread machine got a TON of use in its first year in my kitchen. Now it takes up residence between the laundry soap and the box of BBQ equipment in the garage. Ah well.

    Your mixed berry ice cream looks lovely; I bet it would rock with a lemon-based cake.

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Well, I just made the granola grabbers, and yeah, they're um...healthy. Like you'd expect from cookies with granola and wheat germ and raisins. Personally, I'd rather have a cocktail.

  10. Oh, check you out, Miss Melly, the Pied Piper of Libations, leading all the TWDs astray... you go, girl. I vote 'doorknobs' as the cocktail. Sparkling, lemony, and full to your chin with gin. Maybe I should start a "Tie one on with Clementine" group. Think it'd fly?
    The ice-cream looks beautiful, and as I'm now a *huge fan* of the spinning appliances, I'm sorry you didn't put a little dizzying video clip up for our amusement. Ah, well.
    Did you see that Thimbleanna wants anonymous 'old bra' donations for a prank? I.Am.So.There. This could be better than the forty pink flamingoes escapade of 1993. C

  11. I agree - lemon cake with this would be fabulous. And seriously - the granola grabbers? Make 'em. I was skeptical, but they're awesome.

  12. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Yum, that ice cream looks fabulous - I can't imagine leaving ice cream alone. You rock - and blueberries with lemon cake - yep! g

  13. I paired mine with a lemon blueberry cake and it was so good!! I love cake and ice cream. I'm making the cookies, but a cocktail might be nice, too. ;o)

  14. I think it would pair with a lemon cake or cookie great! Loved the picture.....yum!

  15. wow your ice cream came out a beautiful color!
