Friday, July 18, 2008

weaving a web

I seriously feel like I'm knitting a spiderweb here. While it may not look like much, this little slice of heaven is a mere two inch square. Ken asked last night, "And how long did that take you?" Silly, silly man.

When this little bit grows up it will be this. one down, half a million to go.


  1. Started mine too... no pics of it yet. But I got the first 4 little squares done

  2. Anonymous10:46 PM

    How much would it cost me to get one of these for the girl-child and the female spousal unit?

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    beautiful! i can't wait to see the finished product

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Holy crap girl! That scarf is amazing!! And your merangue is set perfectly !!! I wish I could get mine to set like that. Well... I wish I could get a lot of things to set like that. hehe
