Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bakerella for President

She makes these look deceptively easy (she and Martha) and I'm here to tell you they are not.
Hers are perfection. Mine? Not so much. First of all, my cookie cutter was a little bigger than I thought. I had to double up the balls. What should be just a bite-sized bit of sweetness now needs a knife and fork. Ken made the mistake of shoving a whole one in his mouth. I expect him to recover completely from his sugar coma but still. "That's enough sugar for a month!" and coming from him. . . don't say I didn't warn you.

Behold, melly's cupcake pop:

Now I know there are those of you who may be ooohing and ahhhing over my little cupcake confection but go take a gander at hers. Go ahead. I'll wait. Sheer perfection. And anyone who can make a cupcake even cuter gets my vote.


  1. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Melly dear - those are "cuter than a bugs ear"... Can you hear my accent? I'm sure you'll have them perfected the second time around - you rock when it comes to food preparation! Might stop in the shop today if the grandchildren don't want to hang with me. Thanks for my TJ's surfer bag! Totally rad dude (different accent). See you soon, Robin

  2. I LOVE Bakerella and I've always wanted to try those little cuppies. But you (and a few others) are scaring me -- everyone seems to have trouble with them! Yours sure are cute though. And methinks there's a little Cami get-together today??? I sure hope you kiddos have a great time!

  3. That is too cute!! And just the right size.

  4. I am here visiting from "That's My Answer"

    May I have a cupcake please? hehe

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Giggling...I went and saw hers. Your may not be dainty perfection, but my kids would thing you were WAY more loving. Sugar equates with love, yanno.


  6. I'll bet Thimbleanna could make some killer little cupcake pops. C'mon Anna, I want to see you try it!

    And as for Bakerella for Pres? I say "Totally!" When women get depressed, they go shopping. When men get depressed, they go start a war. I'll take the former any day! lol

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Melly - love those cupcake pops. thanks for stoping by. Talked to Miss C last night about writing the pattern for those socks. Wanna test knit? g

  8. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Those look fantastic Melly! I went to her website and actually added it to my favorites. You're such a Betty!!!

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
