Monday, June 16, 2008

upon where i sucked all the air out of the room

If you didn't get the chance to check out my very favorite foodie link - tastespotting, you missed it. By way of the handwritten note you see above, we were alerted that tastespotting is no more. I literally gasped out loud. It was THE best foodie site. Updated all the time. Photos and links galore of beautifully photographed food. You could almost taste it, the stuff was that pretty.
I'm so sad. Can we have a moment of silence and perhaps some pie?
And while we're at it, have a click over here. This may ease my pain a little.


  1. ......





    I am...stammering. I cannot believe... this is the end of tastespotting.

    -goes off to cry in some dark corner with hr blankie-

  2. Well dammit. I missed it! Now, I must take your advice and visit foodgawker before it goes the way of the dinosaur. BTW...I LOVE LOVE LURVE LOVE your new header -- way too COOL!!!

  3. it was a day for dying; your food-porn site, my refrigerator. Damn power outages finally fried the motor.
    nice 'mushrooms' by the tree, btw. C

  4. I'm totally flabbergasted. What kind of legal complications could shut down a foodie site???
