Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Can you find Indiana on this map? It's the state with at least one new case of the flu. Girl-child was in the emergency room last night with a pretty serious asthma attack where she tested positive for influenza A. She's ok now. I think it was the asthma that hit her harder than the flu. She's resting, drinking plenty of liquids, yadda yadda. On to me. ;)

I had to call the nursing home and tell them I didn't think it was a good idea to expose all the old folks to the flu. Damnit. I was so looking forward to today. When I woke up I checked myself - is that a scratch in my throat or am I just thirsty? Do I have a cough? Is my headache from lack of caffeine or am I getting sick?

I called my mom who is a retired nurse and asked what she thought (though I already knew the answer) and she told me about a girl who came to work with the flu when she worked in an old folks home and two of the residents DIED! Well . . . you know I can't have that on my conscience over a few little Valentines. So I called the activities director and offered to drop them by. I told him with some simple instructions anyone could direct the folks in assembling the cards. You should see the kits I put together! They ROCK! If I don't say so myself. Maybe I'll go take a picture while my car defrosts. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. :o\

I'm so disappointed. I was really looking forward to this. Better safe than sorry, I know. But they still get to make the cards and after all, not everything is about me. :)

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