Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mom didn't always like me best

But she's liking me a lot today. And you know why? Cause I listen. And I call her from time to time. (moreso now that I'm knitting! I call and say, "Is this the knitting helpline?" I know she loves THAT! heh). That's it. A phone call and a willing ear. When was the last time you got so much for so little?
So this goes out to my sibs (and anyone else reading that has one) - call your mother. You wouldn't be here, after all, if it weren't for her.
I've been looking for some good blogging material. I'm not always crafty and do you all want to be bored with my mundania? I'm reaching for my 100th post. I'm thinking about a give-away. Tell your friends!
Shot some domesticity today. My mother would be so proud! I make my bed (nearly) every day. Today's bed is freshly washed. Don't you just love fresh bed linens?
and the next sock since I -am- a sock Knitter now!
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  1. I love the quilty bedding. Pretty! And, may I just say, that your sock is looking especially lovely today... bit bigger, too. Today was *nuts* in the store (you were sorely missed) but some of your neatly tied piles sold today. Wa-hoo! Missed you. See you Tuesday? Cami

  2. I talk to my mom almost daily and if I miss a day well that is okay but if I should miss 2 days she is calling and I hear as I pick up the phone and say hello...oh that is what your voice sounds like I had forgotten.

    I love your socks they look so warm and comfy!

  3. Yay for socks!

    I called my mom this morning.

  4. You are joking, right?? MY mother?? HAHAHAH!! Thank you SO much for the Sunday morning belly laugh! The socks are FAB!
