Tuesday, September 25, 2007

does knitting one sock make me a sock knitter?

I'm going to say YES IT DOES!
Look at this people - I knit a sock! My first sock. How cool is this?

Look at that heel flap. Superb!

And those toe decreases. Magic!
It's not perfect. Only Allah is (tongue planted firmly in cheek). :) But it -is- DONE.

Now to cast on the other one...

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  1. BRAVO!!! You are magnificent!! I envy your mad skills and patience! Just one more thing for you to excel at. I can't wait to see MY pair. ;)

  2. woohoo! your first came out better than mine and I'm almost ready to brave another. (notice I didn't say pair *laugh*)

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Awesome!!! Knitting socks is the only one of my three "learn something new" goals that I have not yet attempted. I need to get to it soon, this year is winding down fast.

  4. You did another outstanding job! They look like they will be nice and warm in the upcoming winter months. I want a pair!
