Friday, July 31, 2009

happy birthday, roo

my daughter is 23 today. i feel old.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

dog. on thursday

i'm working on ken's computer while mine takes a little break. i have so few pictures available to me here. but here's one, of sweet ginger, pretty fresh from the groomer, lounging on the couch with a diet coke. :)
i had a great picture of fatboy sunning himself but i figure i need to spread out the doggie love between all my furries.

thanks, ms g for the reminder!

hey anna - do you see your pincushion in the picture?? :)

fat give-away

no, it's not what you think. if you have some fat you're looking to get rid of, you'll have to find your own means. the fat i'm speaking of is being given away in the form of quarters - fat quarters.
rachel over at p.s. i quilt is giving away $50 worth of fat quarters also known as bits of fabric goodness for you muggles.
click on the picture for your chance to win!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

blog find


"Ecologically based creative ideas, art & green products for your children, home and eco guide blending high style with sustainability."

and very, very cool. check it.

Friday, July 24, 2009

first friday fill in

there's a blog that posts a new fill in every friday. i decided to give it a try. be prepared, more often than not, to see it on saturday. :)
my answers in italics below.

1. being a hormonal mess
is not the end of the world.

2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, I
think of home (washington state).

the fresh tomatoes from my garden taste so good!

4. Sometimes, putting others first is
a bad idea.

the scenery back home (see #2) is breathtaking, really.

6. Well, maybe there is

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to
watching the new netflix movies coming in today's mail, tomorrow my plans include knitting as much as possible and Sunday, I want to wash my car!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

guest dog

we have a four-legged houseguest. a friend of ours is recovering from a serious illness. so while he gets better, his best friend gets to play at our house. i tried snapping some pictures the other day but this is all i got. he's in the doggie protection program.
ginger is having a ball playing with her new friend.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Latest knit, the OpArt blanket. I'm blogging from my phone on the back porch so I can't add the linky but it's on ravelry and knitty for those who may be interested. It's for my new baby niece Sidney Grace. Though girl-child wants dibs. :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

dogs on friday again

caught the boys napping. fatboy is a real snuggler. ken too for that matter. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

da do ron ron

if you're in the indianapolis area and you need a new hair stylist, go see mel terhune at allure salon. that cute little asian girl is rockin' my world! i got a cut, color and highlights. and i feel like a whole new woman. thanks mel!

friends - next time i say i'm going to color my own hair? punch me right in the face!
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

where flowers bloom. . .

. . .so does hope. - lady bird johnson

we are really enjoying the flowers in our garden. the sheer size of these sunflowers amazes us daily.
the zinnia bed changes every day, making me smile. and when cut, they last forever inside!
and we have corn! we've already enjoyed a few tomatoes, zucchini, swiss chard, cucumbers and beans. we're growing food. it's way cool.
and THIS! is a chocolate sunflower. isn't it delicious??
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Friday, July 10, 2009

scrapbooking give-away!

i'm earning an extra entry for posting about rebecca's give-away! she's giving away some heidi grace!

"Each cardstock paper pack has 24 pieces of double sided cardstock. I put 4 different accessory packs that coordinate with the cardstock packs. Even if you aren’t a scrap booker, with a few basic supplies you can use these to create a whole album or even a bunch of cute cards!"

if you're into scrapbooking or papercrafting, hurry over to Rainy Day Kisses and add your name to to hat. or don't. i guess my chances are better if you don't. :)

barefoot dogs. . .on friday

i knew when i joined barefoot bloggers the schedule might pose a bit of a challenge. while i love the idea of cooking something new with this group every couple of weeks, it doesn't always fit into my life. for one i live with Mr. Meat and Potatoes. my husband doesn't eat anything that is or ever was green. you may laugh but i'm not kidding. so to purchase all the ingredients and create a dish only i will eat isn't something i do on a regular basis. and while i want to try ina's pasta with sun-dried tomatoes. it won't be in a timely barefoot blogger fashion. and i apologize.

and to my new doggie pals, seems i'm slacking with you too. but i leave you with this:
my bad-to-the-bone, gigi. well worth the wait, no?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

quit top complete!

after not too much swearing, i give you this:
can i get opinions on how it should be finished? i'm not doing the quilting. i think it needs some sort of solid border and then the bias in one of the fabrics - maybe one of the reds? no border? bias in black? i think i want it a scooch bigger. it's approx. 60 x 72 (minus seam allowances) and boy-child has a full sized bed so i do need to add something. i like this idea from the quilt along.
these are some seriously talented folks. i'm a little in awe to be sewing among them. click the link to see their work all together in our flickr pool.
serious fun.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


not so litte red riding hood

omg this is funny as hell. or not: when disney princesses don't live happily ever after. pretty much like the rest of us. snow white's prince charming is not so charming, cinderella is a drunk, rapunzel gets cancer and belle (is it?) goes under the knife.

jpg online mag ran these photos. check it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

i'm official!

thanks for the shout, g. finally, the folks over at dogs on thursday recognise me as an official member. whew!

now to share a picture. . . since my sadie girl will be seven this month, this one is for her.

on her first birthday, the breeder threw a birthday party for the whole litter. there were thirteen golden retrievers swimming in the pond, chasing balls, sniffing butts and having cake. yes, there was even a cake. it was a hoot.
i had several friends who had goldens, they came for the party. it was the most fun i'd had in a long time.

happy birthday, sadie - girl.

smarter than me

i'm sitting here cleaning off my desk when i come across the metal knitting needles my sister gave me. as i looked at them i thought, i bet you could bend these around to make a bracelet. and i was sure the clever crafty folk on the internet were already on top of this one.

you should SEE some of the crazy things crafty folk are doing with knitting needles! go look, i'll wait. check this one too.

etsy is one of my favorite rabbit holes. type in something you love and see what comes up. by artisans. you know, those folk who make things. with their hands. people like me only way cooler. ;)